Greyskull LP

Probably one of the best beginner programs to increase strength and muscle mass. Unlike Starting Strength and StrongLifts 5×5, last set is as many reps as possible. Progress with 2.5lb for upper body and 5 lbs for lower body exercises. If you can hit 10+ reps in the last set, then double the weight increase. To be performed on 3 day per week schedule, on non-consecutive days, i.e. Mon/Wed/Fri, Tues/Thurs/Sat or similar.

This program differs from StrongLifts and Starting Strength in three key areas:

The three workouts you need to perform in a week:

Day 1

Bench Press /Overhead press 3×5+
Squat 3×5+

Day 2

Bench Press /Overhead press 3×5+
Deadlift 1×5+

Day 3

Bench Press /Overhead press 3×5+
Squat 3×5+

+ indicates that the last set is as many reps as possible.

This is the base plan. One can add to it as one wishes. There are many variations that can be done such as the following:

Greyskull LP with Arms

As the name suggests, the only addition is that each day, some exercises are performed for the arms. Who doesn’t love a bigger bicep! The three workouts you need to perform in a week:

Day 1

Bench Press /Overhead press 3×5+
Curls 2×10/Chinups 2×8
Squat 3×5+

Day 2

Bench Press /Overhead press 3×5+
Curls 2×10/Chinups 2×8
Deadlift 1×5+

Day 3

Bench Press /Overhead press 3×5+
Curls 2×10/Chinups 2×8
Squat 3×5+

+ indicates that the last set is as many reps as possible.

Phrak’s variant

A variant that became famous on reddit:

Day 1

Bench Press /Overhead press 3×5+
Chinups /Barbell rows 3×5+
Squat 3×5+

Day 2

Bench Press /Overhead press 3×5+
Chinups /Barbell rows 3×5+
Deadlift 1×5+

Day 3

Bench Press /Overhead press 3×5+
Chinups /Barbell rows 3×5+
Squat 3×5+

+ indicates that the last set is as many reps as possible.